Monday 9 May 2011

Acting on Impulse

People never follow the advice they give. I am a great example of this. After looking over my previous posts, I am struck by the structured thought process my mind appears to follow - well at least attempt to. I would like to say prior to making any big decision I weigh up all the pros and cons, sleep on it, and then make the best possible choice. But in reality, all significant decisions in my life have been made on impulse.

I did my undergrad at UC Santa Barbara and when my parents recommended I do a study abroad program my Junior year, my first reaction: Are you crazy? I live in Santa Barbara, California. This place is amazing! The ‘amazing part’ I was of course referring to was in reference to the parties, not so much the academics, which were great too of course, but hey, I was 19. My parents, slightly disappointed in my narrow outlook on the world, dropped the subject when I didn’t apply for these programs during sophomore (2nd) year.

Fast forward a about six months; on one of those rare nights in toward the end of my sophomore year, a friend of mine and I were watching the channel E! which was showing a special on the night life in Ibiza. The music, the dancing, the people, the beaches – it all looked like so much fun! A place existed better than Santa Barbara? We turned to each other – we had to go there!

We recruited another friend and decided to plan a month long vacation throughout Europe. My parents were shocked. They had dragged me to Europe a few times before, my dad worked there for quite some time, but I never had any interest and would have much preferred to stay in the US with my friends than be seen touring around Europe with my parents in my early teenage years – I mean how embarrassing to be seen with your parents at 14!

But now, traveling with 2 other girl friends at the age of 19, is another story. Starting in London, we then travelled to Greece, Madrid, and Ibiza traveling American style – that is hotels and suitcases (as opposed to the student standard backpack and hostels, but keep in mind this was pre-Euro when Europe was actually cheap). I then ended my trip in Zurich, where my parents were living at the time, to spend a week with them, before heading back to Santa Barbara. And I fell in love with Europe.

My parents like to think it was their influence and the wining and dining and Swiss excursions that did it, but truth be told, I think it had more to do with the clubs in Ibiza and the dancing in the afternoon at the bar on the beaches in Greece topped off by the sheer excitement of being somewhere totally new. It was the sudden realization that, and yes this is going to sounds like a totally naïve typical American, there was a whole world out there that I didn’t know. I had to go back.

Starting my Junior year back in university, I dropped my Communications major (I was doing a double major with Business Economics) and started taking German classes instead. I signed up for an abroad program in Spain for the summer after my junior year and for a program in Vienna, Austria for fall in my senior year. Of course, one thing led to another and I ended up spending five years after that, with a return to graduate and get a couple of years of work experience in in the U.S., working in Europe. All this, stemming from an impulse decision to go party at the clubs in Ibiza.

So, moral of the story, in case you were wondering whether there even was one: You should always follow what you want, granted this doesn’t involve doing any kind of bodily or emotional harm to others, but keep in mind, that you sometimes don’t always know what you want. And if something comes up that strikes your fancy but doesn’t sit perfectly on the fitted regression line of your predicted future as a function of future decisions, my Stats professor would be so proud, and you don’t have a lot of time to analyze the situation, just do it. Take that impulse decision. And if it turns out to be the wrong one, worst case scenario, your life is a lot more interesting because of it. Mine certainly has been.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Tragedy of Living in a World Where People Can No Longer Streak

College life isn’t complete without students streaking through campus or sporting events.

A friend of mine, who will remain anonymous, told me a great story about a time when she was an undergraduate. During finals, when students were under a lot of stress, studying day and night, she and a group of friends decided to enter the campus library and make their way to various sections of the building. Once in place, they casually peeled article after article until they were completely naked.

Suddenly, they raced through the library, stunning students who could only stare on as the naked bodies congregated in the middle of the library baring all to see. The streakers then proceeded to run outside and around the rest of campus, causing the initial observers to momentarily break out of their stress and have a laugh over the recent incident.

Since this time, my friend, the Streaker, has moved on to become quite successful just as many of her fellow streaking conspirators had. We laughed over her telling of the episode. I remarked how nice it was of them to provide a bit of comic relief for her classmates but that it was a shame that something like that could no longer happen.

“Why not?” she asked.

“Would you want to see your lovely chest bouncing around in a video posted on YouTube, your naked a$$ on Facebook or your parents receiving a Twitter that their daughter was seen running around campus in her birthday suit?”

“Good point. I hadn’t thought of that.” And most people don’t, especially when they are young.

In an age when our lives are recorded and presented for the public’s viewing, we no longer need to dial in to Reality TV shows to watch others’ stupidities: we just search the Internet.

So poses the irony. While Social Media has given individuals the opportunity to share their opinions, experiences, and information to the masses, it has also restricted our behavior as we realize that a seemingly harmless act could cause major consequences for us, and others, in the future.

I don’t want to live in a world free of streakers.

Disclaimer of liability
As with all American things, I would like to direct your attention to the following disclaimer of liability prior to your reading of this blog.

#1: Please be aware that I write these posts keeping in mind that others may read them, and therefore try (key word "try") to make them somewhat entertaining. Therefore, while it is all true, I tend to put a very sarcastic twist on most of it, as is my nature. So, please do not find any offense to the following posts. If you do, then maybe we shouldn't be friends.

#2: For those of you who know me well, I have the attention span of a three-year old child and a pinball machine for a mind. I apologize in advance if I jump from one thought and/or event to the next. Please bear with me.

#3: For those of you who don't know me well, I really am a nice person..or so some tell me. So I hope I do not come across a bit strong. But do you really want to read a blog with the following: Today I took an airplane to Costa Rica. The woman I sat next to on the plane was very nice. We had an interesting conversation. The rainforests we drove through to the place I was staying were very beautiful. I am teaching at a school in Costa Rica. The children I work with are really great. Get the point?

#4: Yes, I do work. But I don't think you want to hear about my typical day of waking up at 5:30am going to work, sitting in front of a laptop for 12 hours doing very boring things, going to the gym, and then going to bed..often in a lonely hotel room, now do you?

#5 My intention of these posts is not to brag about all the places I have been. Believe me, living a nomadic lifestyle is a bit exhausting and often times I am even envious of those friends who are a bit more settled with their homes, friends, families, significant other, etc. In the journey of life, there are many paths to follow, and it is a good thing we do not all take the same one. Always keep in mind, the grass is always greener on the other side.I am therefore not liable for any offense taken.I hope you enjoy